Long-Term Effects of Microblading Eyebrows (Revealed)

Long-Term Effects of Microblading Eyebrows (Revealed)

Experiencing brow hair loss not only affects one physically, but it can also be mentally and emotionally draining. Our brows help bring structure to our face and without them, many can understandably feel a change has to be made.

Because there are so many reasons for thinning eyebrows, some resulting in permanent hair loss, men and women all over the world resort to cosmetic procedures. Microblading, in particular, is a fairly popular treatment that has been around for over two decades. Despite its demand, it has its advantages and disadvantages just like any other procedure.

If you are considering this brow enhancement method for yourself, read on to learn more about the effects of microblading eyebrows and what you can do to maintain their quality for years.

Common Side Effects of Microblading Eyebrows

As with every cosmetic treatment, one can expect a few side effects to come about. Apart from redness, swelling, and tenderness in the area, the four main side effects to look out for are allergic reactions, oozing of pigment or lymph fluid, scabbing, and signs of infection.

Allergic Reactions to Pigment or Numbing Cream

reactions in microblading eyebrows

                                 Image by Freepik

Allergic reactions in microblading eyebrows are quite rare because the pigment used is primarily made of natural ingredients. However, if not the pigment, others may be allergic to the numbing cream prescribed as aftercare or any other material used in the procedure such as latex gloves, metal blades, and so on.

The allergies can range from mild skin irritations to more severe contact dermatitis and the best ways to prevent this is through knowing what you are allergic to beforehand and by doing a patch test. Make sure the clinic you go to can administer a patch test 48-72 hours prior to your session as this is the best way to determine if anything has a negative effect on your skin.

Oozing and Scabbing: What's Normal and What's Not?

Microblading - Oozing and Scabbing

On the day of your treatment, you may notice some oozing once the procedure is over. This can be a mix of lymph fluid, blood, and even some pigment. This is completely normal and should be gently blotted with a clean tissue to absorb. This should subside by the end of the day, so if you notice the oozing continues on, it would be ideal to consult your microblading artist.

When it comes to scabbing, this can last between days 4 to 14 and is completely normal. It is an important process of your skin healing and should be gently supported through mild washes and applying the prescribed ointment.

When to Consult a Dermatologist: Signs of Infection

Consult a Dermatologist

On the first 3 days post-treatment, it is expected for your brow area to swell, become red, and be sensitive to touch. However, if this continues even after the third day, be sure to keep a close eye on things. Watch out for the early signs of infection below and call your dermatologist right away:

  • Swelling and redness have started to spread to surrounding areas such as eyelids
  • Thick discharge
  • Odor
  • Warm sensation in the brow area
  • Thick and heavy scabbing
  • Fever

It’s important to note that infections from microblading are rare and mostly happen when the aftercare routine is not applied correctly.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Microblading?


Image by Freepik

Apart from the common side effects, one must also consider the long-term effects of microblading eyebrows before booking an appointment.

Impact on Skin Texture

Microblading involves having to pierce through the skin using multiple micro-needles. These needles then implant pigment right beneath the surface of the skin to mimic natural hair strands. Because the procedure essentially wounds the skin and applies a foreign product, there is a risk of keloids, inflammatory knots, and scars forming and lasting long-term.

Moreover, microblading requires the individual to get touch-up sessions every year or two. Repeated treatment in the same area can further heighten the potential for scar tissue development. Along with scar tissue, hair follicle damage is another long-term risk involved.

The Fading Process of Microbladed Eyebrows Over Time

It is a semi-permanent procedure and is expected to fade out. The actual lifespan of microbladed brows varies from case to case. The main factors that can either slow down the fading process or speed it up are:

  • Skin type
  • The skin's natural reaction to the procedure
  • Aftercare routine

No matter how well your skin takes to the pigment and how robust your aftercare is, microbladed brows are expected to fade within the first two years. Unlike permanent tattoos, microbladed brows do not normally change in color as they grow pale.

The Role of Touch-Ups in Maintaining Microbladed Eyebrows

The Role of Touch-Ups in Maintaining Microbladed Eyebrows

Image by Freepik

Touch-ups are a necessity if you want to keep your microbladed brow shape intact and looking well-groomed. Here are a few things you should know about your follow-up sessions.

How Often Are Touch-Ups Needed for Cosmetic Tattoo?

The frequency at which a touch-up is needed can vary on the kind of semi-permanent tattoo procedure you’re getting. When it comes to microblading, brows will typically fade within 1 to 2 years, requiring a session with your microblading artist at least annually.

Those with excessive oily or sensitive skin may notice that their brows fade at a faster pace. This is normal and would simply require more frequent touch-ups.

Effects of Frequent Pigment Touch-Ups on Eyebrow Health

Pigments are primarily made up of natural ingredients, which have little to no effect on one’s health. However, frequently receiving a semi-permanent tattoo treatment on the same area can risk scarring or keloids forming over time. This is a natural reaction from our bodies when it senses the need to protect the extremities.

Moreover, scarring and tissue damage can also lead to follicle impairment. This can make it more difficult for natural hair to grow back in its place.

My Two Brows

Deciding When It's Time to Let Your Natural Brows Grow Back

If you have gone down the cosmetic tattoo rabbit hole before and had your fair share of treatments, you may be wondering when it is time to try and let your natural brows resurface. We’re here to tell you that not only is it possible, but you can also achieve it without having any awkward brow phases in between.

Once you notice your microbladed brows start to fade, let it be. The pigments will naturally carry out of your pores over time. If you start to notice any patches or gaps in between, you may fill them in with brow pomade, brow pencils, or other temporary fixes.

What Is The Best Cover-Up While Brows Grow Back?

One of our most recommended ways to let your natural brows grow back while still having full brows instantly is by applying temporary eyebrow tattoos.

My Two Brows Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos

These come in different brow shapes, styles, and colors to match your perfect brow. They can be applied by simply aligning the brow on your face, dabbing a moist cloth over the tattoo, and peeling off the transfer paper. With minimal exposure to water and rubbing, it can also up to 3 days at a time.

My Two Brows

What Are Other Brow Enhancement Methods Without Long-Term Effects?

Opting for brow enhancement procedures that do not involve needles or piercing the skin will have a lower risk of side effects - both short and long-term. Here are a few we recommend:

Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos (mentioned above)

Growth Serums - These can be found in all leading drugstores and are known to help support brow hair growth naturally. It does so by feeding the skin with nutrients to enhance growth hormones. This is not an instant fix and will take some time to show results.

Natural Oils - For those who want to try growth serums the all-natural way, oils may do the trick! There are multiple to choose from that have proven to promote natural hair growth such as castor oil, tea tree oil, coconut oil, olive oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, and even aloe vera to pack in necessary hydration.

Eyebrow Makeup - Tools such as pencils, pomade, gels, powders, and more can help cover up patchy or thinning brows. While these can be easily taken off through makeup remover, they can also take some time to put in.

Eyebrow Stamp Kits - Eyebrow stamp kits can give you the perfect brow shape in 4 easy steps. First, you choose a stencil that best fits your face frame. Next, align the stencil on your brow line then press the stamp to fill it in. Once filled in, blend it all together with a spoolie. Lastly, repeat until you achieve the right level of boldness you desire.

You’re All Set!

Microblading brows requires a lot of thought before booking an appointment. Not only should you consider its advantages but looking into the short-term and long-term effects of microblading eyebrows is just as important.

It is also crucial to know what kind of skin type you have, research the best microblading artist in your area, and get an estimate as to how much microblading costs near you. By gathering all this information, you can make a better, more informed decision when it comes to microblading your brows and if it is the right brow enhancement solution for you.

Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos My Two Brows
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